Az Aura-Soma, összekapcsolódva a természeti rezgéses életerővel, mindenki számára elősegíti önmaga jobb megértését. Hiszünk abban, hogy most, amikor a világ eszméletlenül zürzavaros, a növekvő egyéni tudatosság lendületet ad a tudatos közösségeknek és szervezeteknek.
The potential for what is possible and contained within the Aura‑Soma products is to empower you to be more of what and who you are. When you identify with this, you are able to access a very deep level of self‑awareness. As you become more confident with this way of being, you begin to trust it a little more and understand the difference you can make to yourself, your friends, family, wider community and environment.
For those that would like to become part of creating more conscious individuals, communities and organisations we welcome you to apply for training to become an accredited Aura‑Soma Practitioner. Aura-Soma colour education, consultancy and teacher training courses are presented through the independent certifying organisation: The Aura-Soma Academy.
The initial step on the 3‑stage journey to becoming an Aura‑Soma practitioner. The Level 1 foundation course represents a starting point for all those that are looking to trust their intuition and access a better understanding of themselves. It allows you to support not only your own wellness journey but also to support others to be the best versions of themselves.
During the 4 days you will cover: The principles of Aura‑Soma as a non‑intrusive, self‑selected, soul therapy. Colour Theory: Primary, Secondary and Tertiary colours, Complementary colours, Hidden colours. An introduction to the three stars in the Subtle Anatomy. The visible spectrum and the chakras. The Consultation Process: The Colour Code of the Soul through time and the significance of the position of each bottle in the Equilibrium selection. Demonstration and practical work with the aura and subtle energies, as well as interpreting the Equilibrium selection.
The second step on the 3‑stage journey to becoming an Aura‑Soma practitioner. The Level 2 Intermediate course allows you to gain a deeper understanding of Colour and consciousness in relation to The Law of Three and the inherited tendencies and their gifts and to make connections between the Aura‑Soma colour system and other wisdom traditions such as Buddhism and Numerology.
During the 4 days you will cover: An exploration of the 5 levels of colour –symbolic, spiritual, mental, emotional and energetic. The Primaries within all colours and the Three Tendencies. The Law of Three – Subtle Anatomy. Equilibrium and Numerology. Quintessences: further information on the Master energies. Colour Breathing. Uses of gems within the Aura‑Soma system.
The final step on the 3‑stage journey to becoming an Aura‑Soma practitioner. The Level 3 advanced course allows you to explore the deeper aspects of colour theory through the Master sequence, developing a fuller understanding of the Subtle Anatomy of Man from an Aura‑Soma perspective. It will also nurture consultation skills through practical participation; developing the connections between colour and consciousness to help your intuition connect to Equilibrium in a deeper way.
During the 4 days you will cover: Colour theory and the Subtle Anatomy in relation to consciousness evolution as revealed by the unfolding sequence of the Master bottles. Consultation skills through awareness of the consultant, client and observer roles.
Completion of this course will allow you to register as an Aura‑Soma practitioner.
In order to assimilate the information provided during the courses a 30 day break between each level is required.
This course is of immense benefit both in relation to personal growth in terms of what you are able to share with others and how you are able to trust that which is within yourself; the most sacred and profound.
During the course you will transcend from listening to being, develop a deepening intimacy with your Star, the very essence of who you are and take another step closer to being more authentic from where you currently are.
Aura‑Soma was created by Vicky Wall in 1983. This powerful colour system was entrusted to Mike Booth upon Vicky’s passing in 1991. Mike is the Principal of the Aura‑Soma Academy and is dedicated to expanding awareness and education on the benefits of colour in relation to consciousness and wellbeing. Mike presents courses internationally throughout the year and the possibility to experience Aura‑Soma with him is one not to be missed.
FIND A COURSEFor over 30 years, hundreds of thousands of people across more than 90 countries have been drawn to use Aura‑Soma. We welcome those that would like to become part of creating more conscious individuals, communities and organisations'